Thursday, 13 December 2012

Smells like Summer... the dawn of a new year!

So it's been a while since I blogged, 3 months to be exact, I dont know why I just lost some inspriation and before I knew it... bam, the year was almost gone.

So as 2012 is coming to a close I look back at this year, wow. So much has changed, so many people have left my sphere of life, so many new people have entered it. It has been a year of challenge and change but through it all I still find contentment and joy.

This year I faced the most hectic challenges of facing full time honours and my first job. A wirl wind it has been, and haha sad to say I's not quite finished with my research work just yet. One thing I've learnt about my personality is that I just love procratination, that will never change.

Work life. Well I adjusted quickly, well as quiclkly as I could. My last day tomorrow then I go on holiday, so stoked. I must say, I can't imagine how to live without a pay cheque anymore ;) So 2013, I'll be back in my little storeroom office in 2013, but with a big loss, my fellow partner in crime is leaving for Germany. Sad times, I can honestly say without her, life at work would have not been the same. So here's to all the good laughs, memories, photos, food shoving and funny stories with her ;)

Family, well our added member is all grown up and running around now. Tyler, he will soon be a little heart breaker, but a handsome one at that! I'm hoping to see him more now that I am on holiday. As for my parents, well looks like we moving house again, in the new year and as for my bro, well looks like he's finally going to be moving on to the bigger things in life to Jozi!

Friends, wow. Talk about a rollercoaster. Through all the ups and downs though, I can say I cherish the ones around me. For those who have left and those who have just become a part of my heart. One huge lesson learnt this year wa sthat people change and we have to let them. So be it if their time in your life was for a season, sometimes the best thing to do is to let go and start a new adventure.

Life is full of possibilites, I am so keen for summer and good holiday memories. As for 2013. Bring it on, I'm ready for my second year of work. Ampted on another fresh year with our youth minisrty, God is doing amazing things in our teens lives and in turn changing our lives too!

This might or might be my last post for the year, if it is... well happy summer world!

peace x x