Proverbs 31:25
To be a woman who is clothed with strength and dignity, she has to find within herself the courage and boldness to not doubt the things around her.
God has chosen woman to be his expression of emotion, his expression of vulnerbilty and beauty. With that comes the human side of insecurity and fear.
However PERFECT love casts out all fear, as a woman clothed in his LOVE, we need to understand that we are CHOSEN and given the ability to feel EVRYTHING and experience a million emotions. a gift? haha some would think it is a curse.
Its scary. its scary to be vulnerable. To be open. to have the courage to let others see you, to let others care.
And when the time comes when people dissapoint you, when you feel like nobody cares. That is when WE MUST LOOK UP and seek GOD for that inner strength to overcome our fears.