Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Memory Lane

The wonders of facebook and digital photos made me go down a long road called MEMORY LANE today.

Wow. life has changed, No regrets, but I can still relive every memory and moment like it was yeturday.

Seasons come and go, Ive realized how blessed Ive been with friendships and family. Hectic to see how ones life changes, you grow up in one blink of an eye. yesturday I was in school, next thing I know Im working an 8-5 job.

Do you ever feel like you could turn back time and change it? or just relive a moment? we cant take back time, we can only learn from our past and use it to let it mould us. I think if people could change the past, somewhere along the time, they would still end up making the same life choices again. Things happen because they are meant to happen. Every beginning has an end, sometimes we just try to hold on to the last page in our chapter too long.

All I can say though is that a place is only home because of the people in it.


Monday, 28 May 2012

Out with the old, in with the new? easier said than done, what?

So it dawned on me for the past few weeks that maybe im just that kinda girl that doesnt like change. Although life doesnt wait for us, the only way to live is to embrace change. And that means letting go of the old to allow space for the new.

I've recently come to the conclusion that maybe its not that I need closure from unresolved matters, or I dont need something huge to happen to enter a new season. Sometimes I think people are a little afraid of letting go of the past because the past is all they know, those memories, those old habits, it's easy right? you know the routine of how life works because thats what you know. Even if its terrible and the routine sucks, why do we stay there, we linger.

 Is it maybe becasue we still hope that maybe that certain area or issue will resolve itself? or maybe you hope that maybe change can just happen by itself without doing anything?

No ...
No change. why settle for just holding on, if maybe just maybe letting it go could be the best thing you could ever do. Maybe the daunting thought of something new, is JUST the thing youve always dreamed of. But that something new needs space, space in our heads, speace in our hearts.

Do it, start today. Let go and try something new. I will try ;)

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Strength to persue

"The proof of Desire is in your persuit"

If you had to close your eyes and think of five things you really really want? not like a chocloate or a new dress,  i mean things that need to work, longterm goals, dreams, desires, hopes.

How are you willing to get them? theres no easy way out, you have to fight for it, chase your dreams, endure the ups and downs. as it is the journey to reaching the goal that would sometimes mean more than the goal itself.

Your pursuit might look different to everyone else, it might mean breaking chains of fear and risking something, it might mean taking a leap of faith, it might mean setting a five year plan or investing time into something worthwile, but it could also mean surrendering and waiting for the perfect time.

Choose your persuit wisely. And if you dont know how...well prayer always seem to work :) Dreams cant come true if you dont want them bad enough.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Theory of Cupcakes

Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip CookiesSo my theory still needs some research but I think I may be onto a trend, a trend that girls may or may not want to say 'yes that's me' ...ALAS whilst chatting to some girls in the past few weeks it has come to my attention that maybe indeed the thought in the back of my head was indeed true.

Do girls bake cupcakes to impress a boys?
Does she wait in anticipation for his reaction, impressed, sure he will be, if you lucky maybe even his mother?
Does she stand proudly claiming the rightful claim as 'cup cake' maker for the one who catches her eye.

I did some research google could lie, but here some fun opinions anyway.
One woman said...." I’m a baker because cakes help me out of a jam from time to time. I’m a baker because brownies attract quality men.
Let’s talk about boys and baking. Boys like cookies and pies and coffee cake with lots of crumb topping.
If your particular boy doesn’t like baked goods… I’m afraid I don’t understand. He’s weird. I’d question his motives"

You know how boys… the good ones, at least… bring flowers to a first date? well what if our secret way of showing that we are 'into' them was through domestic skills and baked good?

And maybe it goes even more indepth than that, maybe baking is a sign of proving that you are a true lady, feminine in design, it could possibly be to impress you lady friends...dont get me wrong, you do get the exceptions, those lovely ladies that just have a passion for baking as they wake up in the morning. But let's be real...not all of us are blessed like that without some kind of motivation. Surely?

Brownie with walnuts and chocolate chunks

Whats the big deal, people would say? Even maybe the baker herself would try convince and justify perfectly fine reasons for why she is slaving away, getting flour in her hair and baking up a storm.
I would say its maybe a little bit of DENIAL. Of course the boys in this theory get off scott free just thinking, YAY CUPCAKES for my face!

So maybe i have it all wrong, but what if even 20% of what I am saying is right?
I guess the proof is in the pudding, as they say! Maybe other girls just bake because they have free time and a mission to make people fat. who knows. All I know is that baking comes form the heart, so there must be some kind of emotions linked to it.

I hope everyone finds the one guy they can say " he's the only boy I will make cupcakes for"...
Moral of the story, baking for boys (that arent your boyfriend) basically puts up a sign on your face that says 'I think I like him, so I am making a public display of my intentions,other girls leave him be or I will smash you with the cupcakes that took me five hours to make" (Okay maybe thats a bit of an overstatement, but hey the vision of a girl doing that is pretty funny).

At the end of the day while waiting for the guy you want to bake for...I guess we can always buy sponge cake from spar or bribe our mothers to do the baking (haha that always works out as a win win ;) ...and if you want to bake in the meanwhile...bake for the masses, sharing is caring!


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Don't talk the talk if you not willing to walk the walk

" Good intentions get you no where"

Harsh indeed, but so true. So often people say things, but then do not follow through. Why i ask?
Do you really want to but the forget?
Do you say it but are scared to folllow through?
or Do you just say things and never intend to do them?

The problem I find with this 'lack of execution' is that it creates a sense of unreliability and dissapoinement. Piped up dreams, empty promises, fuzzy words with no depth.

We need to be people of ACTION. We need to go out there and DO things! and this I preach to myself as well, sometimes we say things we would like to do but then get scared or think we can leave it for later. Well my delcaration for May 2012, too stop saying stuff and DO it! NO MORE TALK...JUST WALK!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Let go and Let God

This past month it has really just been a pressing issue to just LET GO.

We always just want to hold on, but sometimes what we hold onto is what is holding us back from greater freedom.

Sometimes the tighter we hold onto things the thinner the rope gets! Ever heard of the saying, "If you truely love something, let it go, if it comes back then it is truely yours"

Well this works in all ways, with our friendships, relationships, passions, dreams, desires, secret hopes.
So many things Ive had to surrender, If we lean on our own understanding, we will continue to be insecure and strive for a success that will never come to us.

Well I am done, Dont think this is me giving up, Oh no in actual fact this is me fighting. Its waking up in the morning not worrying about tomorrow, Its enjoying every moment of each day because God lives in me. Its guarding my heart because it is the wellspring of life. Its dreaming dreams and believing they will come true.


A sign of old age but with the heart of a kid!

So this past weekend marked a significant time in my life, turnng the age of 22..means I am now on the other end of the scale, no more big celerbrations or themed parties. 22 what a weird number. Although i do miss being 21, I found a strange peace settling into my age this week. Life goes on, seasons come to pass.

2012, the year of much change and 22ness...all I have to say is This year has proved to me how valuable friendship is, and as you get older, the more meaningful the relationships in your life mean to you. I have been truely blessed to be surrounded by such beautiful and God favoured people in my life! Its overwelming!

My our bonds only get stronger as we get older!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Pet Peeves indeed!

So in every girls life there is just that list of things that annoy her to her death.Well I am no different.
I often wonder why do some things irritate poeple and do not bother someone else at all? Like really, touch my hair..I KILL YOU! I wonder if i would ever grow out of my little pet peeves, come on, everybody has to have them, if you dont, well lady you are lying to yourself.

Well here goes my list for today! You may call them first world pains to some degree haha...

1. waking me up before my alarm clock goes off
2. You start a conversation via text then dont reply back after
3. Argue with me that you are right even when you wrong
4. asking to check what is on the other channels when im clearly watching something
5. Playing with my hair
6. watching me while I work
7. Saying sorry, for something you repeat to do
8. Leaving dirty washing, plates or wet towels around the house
9. Not finishing a drink and sending it back to kitchen
10. People not tipping at a restuarant
11.someone pulling out your charger when you busy charging your phone
12. Saying you will reply later and then forget
13. hugging me in the middle of a conversation or for no reason
14. asking me to get you something to drink once youve clearly seen me put it back away in the fridge, seriously you could have asjed 5 seconds ago.
15. when you have to wait for a picture to load on the internet, geeez

ahhh haha come on, every girl has her list. Mine could possibly be longer but hey thats all I could come up with right now ;)