Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Don't talk the talk if you not willing to walk the walk

" Good intentions get you no where"

Harsh indeed, but so true. So often people say things, but then do not follow through. Why i ask?
Do you really want to but the forget?
Do you say it but are scared to folllow through?
or Do you just say things and never intend to do them?

The problem I find with this 'lack of execution' is that it creates a sense of unreliability and dissapoinement. Piped up dreams, empty promises, fuzzy words with no depth.

We need to be people of ACTION. We need to go out there and DO things! and this I preach to myself as well, sometimes we say things we would like to do but then get scared or think we can leave it for later. Well my delcaration for May 2012, too stop saying stuff and DO it! NO MORE TALK...JUST WALK!

1 comment:

  1. Hidge - you make a very good point here .... I do agree more walk and less talk!! Good preach :)
