“So what is going on with Harry and Sally?”
Some typical answers may be like: “Oh yes they are vibing” or “ There is defs a vibe there” wink wink ;)
So in today’s modern world with twitter,bbm, facebook I poke you, you poke me back …together with some old traditional face to face stages there has been a trend brewing up. WE call it “Vibing”.
In the past few years, with some real life observation and some helpful friends to agree with me, girls and guys agree on this nature of vibing. So what is this vibe dance, why do we call it a ‘vibe’?.
A friend and I once explained this theory to a few of our guy friends who were no doubtedly shocked and stunned by the utter truth of this theory, brace yourself for some laughs and shocked face palms if you have either been in this before, in it now or notice friends in this season of life.
Stage 1. Girl meets Boy
So at this initial stage, you would probably be out with friends, having fun and loving life, then you meet this girl or guy. What’s your first impression? These days, one or the other just goes home and invites the boy or girl in question on the BOOK of faces.
You probably go home wondering, wow what a cool guy or girl...potential indeed..mmm maybe to soon to tell? nevertheless the seed of the viber dance enters the brain.
Stage 2. Cyber Vibing
Cyber vibing can be as short as few weeks or it can go on for months.
So what happens here? It is here were the chemical effects start charging in the air, but instead of being face to face, your thumbs get to do all the work and do a little dance I call “cyber vibing”
So these are some of the clear signs of the cyber vibe dance (Oh and just to be clear, this is only opinion and not true to everyone, you do get the occasional flirt or oblivious guy or girl who do these things and then get themselves into a little bit of a sticky situation which would probably end up with an awkward chat.)
· They like all your status’s or comment on everything
· They speak to you on bbm or whatsapp throughout the day, making small chit chat for no reason
· They love using emoticons, especially the ‘eye wink’ or excessive ‘smiley face’
· Messages are lengthy with open ended questions
· Sometimes you may even get the occasional message just to say “You rock” or “You are a legend” or “Just popping in to say Hi” (ag please,mmm Im sure you are just ‘popping in to say hi’)
Stage 3. Game face vibing
This is when real life now starts to seep through your cyber dance. This is the stage where for some ODD reason, you just start to see both his and her friendship groups coming together more often or he joins the girls group of friends or the girl lands up at his usual hanging out places.
Scenario: bunch of friends at a public place or at a braai, and the two ‘vibers’ just gravitate towards each other, next thing you know. It’s like everyone else disappears. The VIBE takes over and it is literally as if you had special glasses there would be energy waves between the two ‘vibers’ (Warning, don’t be THAT awkward third wheel that tries to cut into their conversation, trust me, you will feel them energy vibes in the air)
Stage 4. The fork in the road
So this is where cyber vibing has generally died down and there is now just the daily text, bbm, whatsapp or phone call.
The tricky part now is that the ‘vibers’ can continue their journey down a little path we like to call ‘the umm friend path’ which could end in 3 ways.
1. The Ideal: Boy man’s up and asks girl out
2. Girl has had enough and asks the boy to have the ‘chat’ (could have a good or bad outcome)
3. The vibe dance between the ‘viber dancers’ carry on for a while and then after some time the dancers get tired, take a break, one or the other sit down, game over.
So there it is, I wouldn’t say any of this is factual but it is founded on various observations between real life friends. Definitely any girl and guy could be the exception to this rule. HOWEVER, even if you are shy to admit, at some point in your life I’m sure you did a little vibe dance, maybe two ;)
Keep It real xx
Kelly I'm so glad you finally wrote this out and made it official! Haha
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs to read it! :P
hahaha I would have to say this is pretty much all true.... I vibe danced for two years - got over it - asked to have the chat - got the friend card and a couple months later the man - manned up - we dated and a couple months after that he manned up some more and ... well now we married ;) hahaha - and yes it started with the book of faces - you poke me - I poke you back hahahaha and an occasional "Mish you such a champ" hahaha .... spot on Sin Hidge.... now you just have to admit it to yourself :p xx