Friday, 11 October 2013

The Modern day Deborah

Judges 4:7-9

New Living Translation (NLT)

7 And I will call out Sisera, commander of Jabin’s army, along with his chariots and warriors, to the Kishon River. There I will give you victory over him.”

8 Barak told her, “I will go, but only if you go with me.”

9 “Very well,” she replied, “I will go with you. But you will receive no honor in this venture, for the Lord’s victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.

What type of woman do you want to be?
The normal or the exception...

Deborah was the exception to the Rule, she was a brave leader, a warrior of her time!

She inspires us to act with authority, live without fear and listen to God for his wisdom!

This is no lady for the feint hearted, she was bold and ready for action! People admired her and came to her palm tree for council.

What would it look like to be a woman without fear, what would the world look like if woman stood in the gap and took up the seat of courage? How much more beautiful can a woman be, who is powerful yet with such grace and poise!

The story of Deborah is a tale about a woman who was aligned with God and served His will with fierce determination. She stood her ground as a leader! If woman could be this strong, how strong would her man have to be? In order to lead her, he would have to be twice as brave and strong in order to be worthy of submission by such a woman.

Living courageously, with no fear!

Happy weekend xxx

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Leap… challenging your heart and lifestyle. #youngandfree

So I think the thought of the future is half and half for me... half scary half ‘ I- can’t- wait -excitement’. Today I received my certificate for enrolment to Hillsong College 2014. A lifelong dream I have wanted to do since grade 8. It’s almost weird now, being older that these ‘dreams’ can actually come true.
On the other hand it’s a scary thought, leaving al you know behind you, leaving PE, my home town for the past 23 years. I come across people always wanting to run from this place, patting me on the back for ‘finally getting out’. But I don’t see it like that; I love my city, the simplicity of it, the chilled life, small town, friendly faces. I KNOW it all too well. Yes, I am a creature of comfort and I dislike change… so 2014… will be one of the biggest changes my eyes will ever see.

Yet I can’t wait to see what Hillsong has in store for me. I can’t wait to journey with a bunch of new people from all over the world that shares my passion for worship and ministry. I can’t wait to finally be free to write music and play my instruments in an environment of musicians, I can’t wait to see how God is going to change me and mould me after the year.

To tell the truth I am too comfortable here, life’s a peach. Friends, family, a job, live by the beach, got a good man by my side, working with youth and worship and I am alive and healthy. What more could you want? Well everyone needs a challenge, what better way of challenging yourself when you at your most comfortable happy place in life!

One thing is for sure. I am a blessed. One of the biggest changes I had to go through this year was, well … I met the man of my dreams. No but really, haha I asked God for a very specific guy, VERY SPECIFIC. And the funny man upstairs decides to give me everything and more that I asked for! WHAT A DAD! It’s crazy looking back now, I am dating my Hillsong Boy and I haven’t even gone to Hillsong yet! The thought of long distance is a frightening one, BUT I also know that God is good and he knows best.

My mom asked me the other day ‘Kel are you happy to have a boyfriend?”

My answer “haha mom I’m not happy to have a boyfriend, I was perfectly fine before this, BUT I am happy I am with Tim”

It’s about the person and not his title ;)
.....................yip it's about to get lame and cheesey

He will probably never read this so I am a free bird writing what I want ;) But if I can sum up anything it would be that God brought us together because of our mutual desire and passion for worship and life! Something simple grew from small beginnings into a deep friendship that blossomed into something that makes me smile every day.
Timothy Heine, the man that challenges me to be even stronger than I was before, he inspires me to get closer to God and love God more than I could ever love him or anything for that matter. He taught me to see a whole new world of compassion and love for people. He taught me to be generous and give people my time and patience. He proved that getting angry is a waste of our precious time and he also showed me that honouring God with EVERTHING is the bottom line.
I am quite excited to see where God takes us in the future and pray he takes us to new heights in our ministries both separately and together.
So that’s it from me for now… thoughts for the day,
Peace xxx



Thursday, 8 August 2013

Thursday thought: Chivalry at it's best!

Thought for the day...

A young gentleman, a chemistry student who had assisted me at a work week earlier this year, emailed me asking a favour. This student always amazed me because he was just so ridiculously polite. He would take off his cap to greet other staff or woman in general, or he would just speak to his fellow classmates in such a kind and peaceful mannor.

Anyway in his email he would refer to me as mam, even though I'm possibly the same age haha and then just the words he used such as: "may I kindly ask a favour of you". Furthermore he would always answer when spoken to , reply to my emails stright away, help when needed.. well this all really made me think. When he came passed my office I made a point of saying that I really enjoy his politness, he is such a gentleman and he is going to make a lady very happy one day if he carries on like that ;)

Nevertheless, long story short. He kind of laughed, shyly and said thanks. He also added that it's something he is conciously working on. BUT what shocked me is his next statement, he said "Well is it a good thing, is it not maybe seen as a weakness?"

I look at this guy, stunned. and say "No, you sir are a true example of a gentleman and your humilty is really admirable, whoever made you think chivarly is a weakness is insane, so don't stop!"

Chivalry is never dead. In today's society it's just become watered down, and sadly become a norm that people in general don't have to set a super high standard to be polite anymore. The most beautiful thing to me is how a man will treat/speak to a lady, It's CHIVALRY at it's best. (mmm lucky for me I personally am blessed to have found a true gentleman to be part of my life too...haha but that's just my own story)

Okay, so I'm not a guy, do other guys see this as being a weakness amoungst other guys?
To be softer spoken, and gentle... To answer to a woman if she needs it... To care when it's not expected... To give utmost respect even if its not the norm in the world..

This is not a man bashing post at all, on the contrary I believe there are true gentlemen around. And if anything, as a woman, we need to encourage men, male friends, fellow colleagues, syblings etc to embrace the gentelman within. Pay respect where respect is due ;)

Keep it real xxx

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Finding the strength to fight fear

Proverbs 31:25
To be a woman who is clothed with strength and dignity, she has to find within herself the courage and boldness to not doubt the things around her.
God has chosen woman to be his expression of emotion, his expression of vulnerbilty and beauty. With that comes the human side of insecurity and fear.
However PERFECT love casts out all fear, as a woman clothed in his LOVE, we need to understand that we are CHOSEN and given the ability to feel EVRYTHING and experience a million emotions. a gift? haha some would think it is a curse.
Its scary. its scary to be vulnerable. To be open. to have the courage to let others see you, to let others care.
And when the time comes when people dissapoint you, when you feel like nobody cares. That is when WE MUST LOOK UP and seek GOD for that inner strength to overcome our fears.


Monday, 10 June 2013

The butterfly theory

So wow. you know for many years I never fully understood how a girl could fall for a guy or what 'falling' even meant.

Being single at the age of 23, Ive always been the objective type seeing things from a 'by-stander' perspective. I saw many couples come and go, seeing the girl fall for her guy, the sparkles in her eyes, the happy face slapping smile that nobody could get rid of.... haha. Seeing couples happy and seeing their relationship develop and eventually after a few yaers (well in the good cases) get engaged or even married (ya thats what happened to many of my friends over the past 3 years)

Anyway I think being single for so many years made me some what blind to the fact that this 'butterfly' feeling can exist. FOR EVERYONE! So what type of girl am I? Im the independant girl, the busy body who works hard and stays strong. The girl who knows a lot of people and knows who she is. Im the type who has many friends, is half a tom boy/half a girly girl and the type who stayed away from relationships because they seemed complicated, I always used the 'I'm busy" excuse and well... I needed the right ONE, the one guy who could make me believe in the butterfly theory.

So what is this butterfly theory?

Well for the girls.... Theres so many ways to descirbe it, and you almost can't decribe it in words so the only way people would undertand is by saying they have legit BUTTERFLIES in the stomach ;) I guess it is different for each girl... mmm wonder if boys get butterflies??

The butterfly symptoms:
  • think about the person alot... everything you see makes you maybe think of them or relates to a memory of some kind.
  • day dreams... constantly.
  • nervous/giddy/ stupid smile face when you know you going to see them soon
  • feeling in the pit of your gut when you finally get to see him and they smile at you
  • the feeling of wishing time could stop when you with him so that you can chill longer
  • the feeling of NOT being humanly able to stop smiling
  • the complete peace of mind you have knowing this guy is just perfect for you and that this was meant to happen in life
  • the feeling of wanting to share every thought, dream, question with this guy
  • feeling 100% safe and secure in their company
  • that lame cheesy feeling you get on the inside of your chest and your heart just dies when he says stuff like "you are lovely" or "I am attracted to your heart" or" I want to look after you"---- I MEAN WHO THE HECK SAYS STUFF LIKE THAT?? who!!! kinda hard to hear words like that and fully believe the senserity behind them (not because it's not true... but just because wow... WOW... kind words kill everytime haha)
  • the smile on your face when your screen lights up with a message from him
  • the 'blessed' state of mind a girl just seems to be absorbed in and lives through.
  • that moment when you can sit in a car and not even speak being absoluetely content being in another humans company and you can turn your head and say "I am happy"...
  • well that's my butterfly theory.
Theory explained. I think I get it now. You know all the chick flik movies you watch and say I wow that can't be real.. but then you secretly want your own cinderella story? well BOOM be careful what you wish for, coz you just might get it.

Well when the time is right, when you are ready, when he is ready and well... when God gives the GREEN LIGHT to bless the both of you with the butterflies!

At the end of the day. Oh my word... if you find a guy that gives you these butterflies.. good luck living through each day hahaha. Treat him right and appreciate him, coz its so worth it!

 x x x

Monday, 20 May 2013

Worth it!

Dear readers...
Been a while ey.
Lifes been pretty much madness since I last posted.

So as life goes on and we grow up certain things happen that may or may not change your life forever.

As girls, we often keep things in our heads, then vent to each other for days, weeks and months on end. BOYS haha... oh the WAIT FOR PRINCE CHARMING seems like an endless wait at a bustop ;)

I myself, have kind of always just blown through the wind, praying and waiting. Waiting can kind of be a super annoying stage but ey we just have to get through. Been chatting to a few close friends lately about this and well it seems its an issue for most. Is the wait worth it?

If i can say anything it would be that if your SEARCHING AND CHASING for a relationship or for Mr Right to find you. It most likely wont happen. We get so consumed by being single or trying to find someone to fill that 'gap' that we actually miss life and maybe even missing something right in front of our eyes. Something thats been there for a while but our brains refued to see it because we were too self absorbed.
The best thing to do would be LIVE LIFE and LOVE IT. Girls with a quiet peace and stillness are happy girls. Its been a long time coming where I could finally feel that peace, its something a person needs to decide on daily. TODAY I WILL BE HAPPY AND BE AT PEACE. why?

Well for me, I can be at peace because in the Stillness I know he is God and God blesses his children and we are favoured.

My closing words for my question... is it worth it? worth waiting for Prince charming?
My answer is 5 parts
1. Dont wait for him, live life and become a princess you've been born to be first. Sort your issues and be content with life and your own struggles. Otherwise 'THE WAIT' will juist frustrate you to the pouint of losing hope. (and we dont want that)
2. IT IS SO WORTH THE WAIT. every guy you thought you ever liked, had a crush on, or that lame guy that hurt you or that boy who friendzoned you for years. BOOM now you can say "Thank you that it never worked out with any of those dumbies"
3. Ah man its all worth it when you in a car and there's that one person next to you that is just staring at you and pouring out his feelings. It us that moment when you realize. THIS IS HAPPENING! It's that same moment when you cant stop smiling and you want to vomit or scream or die or just hug him till he cant breath haha.
4. WAIT for the hero that will call you lovely, that won't be afriad to tell you how he feels, that won't be afraid of what is to come next and who isn't afraid to share his heart and trust the girl sitting next to him.
5. If you are waiting for that? IT IS WORTH IT!


Till next time xxx

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Simple joy

So I've been thinking lately, we waste so much of our time striving for big explosions of happiness or the event that would bring ultimate contentment. What about the little things? What about everything else that we let slip by whilst waiting for something big to happen. What if all the little things make up for  the time wasted waiting for 'that thing' you have been waiting for. It's the simple joys that happen in dull moments which can bring us happiness if we let it.

Like turning around a bend and the traffic light turns green to go...
Like a friends saying they miss you on a wall post...
Like your mom buying you a packet of sweets when you get home...
Like finding a quality youtube video that keeps you laughing for hours..
Like a hug from a friend
Like a smile from a car guard or till cashier
Like a prayers from a stranger...
Being invited to social events without asking
A gentelmen opening the door
Receiving a reply straight after you sent a message
Getting home and supper is made
A friend letting his food go cold in order to wait for our food to arrive

It's the little things that can effect the big things.

Much love

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

What are we looking for?

Mattew 7:7 
 “Ask, and what you are asking for will be given to you. Look, and what you are looking for you will find. Knock, and the door you are knocking on will be opened to you. (NLV)

Sometimes what we WANT is different from what we NEED. Sometimes we may ask for things and have to wait for the right time to receive it. A purpose driven life is waiting and hoping with a steadfast heart for the things we have dreamed of, actively waiting and seeking for greater things, getting up and living life.

We should ask ourselves, are we ready for the things we are asking for in life? Maybe we have already received it but it just looks diferent from what we expected.

Expect the unexpected.Never give up hope. Keep asking.

Till next time xxx

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Facebook Etiquette

Oh dear Facebook user...

Social media is so powerful, Facebook in all it's glory is probably one of the easiest means to communication these days. Facebook is easy, it's a good way to keep in touch, good way to share fun or intersting info, a cheap way to connect. The many uses, I could write an essay, photo-loving, music sharing, status updates, passing time during lunch or checking your home page during a boring lecture. Whatever it may be, yes even I love facebook and have no shame saying that I use it, alot.

HOWEVER, it has recently just occured to me (actually no that is a lie, I've seen it for years) where people have just become so absorbed by facebook that it become s a personal diary or love letter to their partner or a venting emo session.

I would love to know WHY? what inside a persons mind or fingertips would drive them to typing an essay as a status? or updating how much you love your person every few hours. Or MOTHERS please, it is social suicide writing soppy posts on your kids (sons especially) walls or posting photos of when they were babies. NOT COOL. haha oh man, cringe!

Okay maybe I'm wrong or do all these people forget just how public FACEBOOK is? And once it's out there in cyber space, it will always be there.

Keep it real x

The authenticity of love

Hello 2013.

It's been a while, but here's a thought.

This year I wish to challenge myself into what it really means to understand, not the soppy kind of romantic love that we always just think of when we see hearts or look ahead to that day we call VALENTINES ;)

No. I mean, our love in the true authentic meaning of it. Loving ourselves, loving life, loving God, having love for people, our friends, partners, family, the poor, loving our hobbies or our pets, I guess what I mean is underatnduing the in's and out's of our hearts and what is meant by "Being in love with LOVE". It needs to be more than a word or a song lyric or a feeling or passing emotion, it needs to be a state of being, a movement, a lifestyle.

I've recently decided to do some theologial reserch on the term LOVE. I think to some people the word is overused and perhaps even lossed it's meaning. To others, maybe its misundertood or even used against each other. To many it is a complex thing term that they don't know what to do with. But to those who get to feel it, experience it, a zeal for love in life it becomes quite simple...

1 Corinthians 13:3-13

3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

peace x