Thought for the day...
A young gentleman, a chemistry student who had assisted me at a work week earlier this year, emailed me asking a favour. This student always amazed me because he was just so ridiculously polite. He would take off his cap to greet other staff or woman in general, or he would just speak to his fellow classmates in such a kind and peaceful mannor.
Anyway in his email he would refer to me as mam, even though I'm possibly the same age haha and then just the words he used such as: "may I kindly ask a favour of you". Furthermore he would always answer when spoken to , reply to my emails stright away, help when needed.. well this all really made me think. When he came passed my office I made a point of saying that I really enjoy his politness, he is such a gentleman and he is going to make a lady very happy one day if he carries on like that ;)
Nevertheless, long story short. He kind of laughed, shyly and said thanks. He also added that it's something he is conciously working on. BUT what shocked me is his next statement, he said "Well is it a good thing, is it not maybe seen as a weakness?"
I look at this guy, stunned. and say "No, you sir are a true example of a gentleman and your humilty is really admirable, whoever made you think chivarly is a weakness is insane, so don't stop!"
Chivalry is never dead. In today's society it's just become watered down, and sadly become a norm that people in general don't have to set a super high standard to be polite anymore. The most beautiful thing to me is how a man will treat/speak to a lady, It's CHIVALRY at it's best. (mmm lucky for me I personally am blessed to have found a true gentleman to be part of my life too...haha but that's just my own story)
Okay, so I'm not a guy, do other guys see this as being a weakness amoungst other guys?
To be softer spoken, and gentle... To answer to a woman if she needs it... To care when it's not expected... To give utmost respect even if its not the norm in the world..
This is not a man bashing post at all, on the contrary I believe there are true gentlemen around. And if anything, as a woman, we need to encourage men, male friends, fellow colleagues, syblings etc to embrace the gentelman within. Pay respect where respect is due ;)
Keep it real xxx
What!! Did you really say, " No, you sir..." - that's!!
ReplyDeleteListen up - from a guy's perspective this dude is on cue!! Anyone can shout their mouth off with a raa raa raa...but the true definition of a male is one who is excellent in every situation with what he has been presented with!!
Gen 2:15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
Boom...TO TEND AND KEEP!! You a man...then MAN UP and do whatcha gotta do :-)
I was asked this week if there is a point where a guy guy can be "too nice"? He continued to elaborate about how he thought girls arn't looking for 'nice guys' and that sometimes he wonders if he is too nice! :( I never thought nice was on a scale...but apparently it really is.
ReplyDeletePoints to the gentlemen in life!