Weekend is nearly over and what a top weekend it was. Spending some quality time with some top ladies, some old and some new.
So lastnight I got invited to a 21st, but i didnt know anyone going. nevertheless I went and find myself chilling with three girls and before we knew it we were tight?
Why? well what can all girls relate and bond over? yup BOY talk haha.
Theres something about sharing about what is happening in your own life drama with other girls that create a sense of trust and a bond like no other. Leaving the party early we even went back to one of their flats to contine our lady like chat!
Over some tea and some great laughs, we bonded and got to know each other through the stories of our past relationships, state of singleness, loss during breakups and new found flames or potential. Girls love communcatiuon and self disclosure, we could go on all night. what is the best is finding similarities between each other stories and having those 'ahaa' moments and saying 'I feel you, I went through the same thing'. Amazingness.
I always wonder do boys ever have such chats? well one thing is for certain, sharing is caring and finding new friends is defenitly a treasure found in Port Elizabeth.
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