Monday, 23 April 2012

The texting game.

What is it about people being BAD at replying to an sms. I'm sorry to say but Males are mostly to blame in this get the occational girl who is busy but then she still replies with an apology.

Boys boys boys, why is it that you can read a message but then you can just ignore the questions and 'forget to reply' really? Is life that busy that you cant take 30 seconds to type a reply.

In doing some research on what males have to say for themselves I found out the follwing,
"we are busy and can only think of one thing at a time"
"we want to reply properly later so we dont reply and then forget"
"I just forgot"
"males dont care"
" if we busy and dont reply it means you are just not important"
"whats the big deal"

The fact of the matter, NO PERSON is too busy to reply, if it means something to you, you will DO something about it. Well then my answers come clear,..there is obviously not high state of care and importance haha! well such is life...I guess males will never understand a womans brain. I myself had to learn with a few of my male friends that communcation is soemthing left to be desired.

The worst...ah I could slap someone and make a sign I was so angry. Is when you send a text, they reply straight away with lotsa of questions, you reply back..thinking 'cool we going to have a conversation', you ask some questions as well..,.and then...nothing. No reply, no later apology, just nothing.

haha should I be worried that the guy had a stroke? should I be worried that he just got mugged and had to stop replying? funny quote: "he was just so overwhelmed that he fainted and couldnt reply"

What makes the man just stop replying during a text converation? Or are text conversations just too much to handle?

I havn't totally figured it out yet ;) ah man, lifes to short to worry about such things, but that certanily means it doesnt bug me any less. Vent for the day over... I can now move on!

wohooo Graduation day for me... last post as an undergrad!

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