Thursday, 19 April 2012

A bit about me and my life of worship

A lot of my life has to do with music so I thought why not make it a metaphor for life.Often I will hear songs and one will stick out to me for a certian season of my life. Ever happen to you? when you just can sing along and say 'this ong was made FOR me! People don't realize the power music has on them, music has a direct link to our emotions and can change our mood or enhance the mood we are already in.

A song is intricate and music is technical. So much emotions go into song writing or putting together a composed piece of music. I guess tu could say the same thing goes with our lives, from afar we are perceived as a certian type of person, by our looks, our jobs, what we do or even by our facebook pages. But often its the intricate detail that we miss out on, it is this intricate detail that make us so different.

In the line of music I would say, as a little girl I always dreamed of singign for people and standing on a stage, for my teeny bopper birthdays I always remember singing along to S club 7 or Britney. Truth be told I was pretty terrible at it and my fear of messing up held me back from performing as a kid. It was only in matric that I started singing, firstly for my church as a back up singer for our youth. From there I guess we can say 'the rest was history'. I believe I didn't go searching for music, music found me within worship. A huge part of who I am today is because of what I discovered through my years of becoming a singer or worship leader. More than just a song on a page I found meaning behind lyrics and a motive behind every note played, every harmony sung.

The little 5 year old girl who had dreams of singing finally came true in my varisty years where I was given various opportunties to lead my worship team infront of hundreds people at local city events. Music became my passion and there is always something more to learn. It's been a rollercoaster ride but a fun one at that. Who knows what the future will bring, so many times I think to myself, maybe I should quit my day job and see where my music can get me. Alas risky moves have never been my forte, I do however want to strive to do some cd recording by the time I turn 23.

So lets see what the future holds....

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