Wednesday 25 April 2012

Good is the enemy of Great

I wise friend of mine said...We shall call her Yoda
"We need to realize what is good for us and what is not good"

So I came up with a theory for my day, call it my WEDNESDAY theory if you will. Sometimes in life we may like the feel of something or enjoy having something or someone in our lives but that does not mean it is a good thing, and realizing that we need to get rid of it maybe the hardest thing ever.

I feel the need to take it a step futher though, the thing in our lives may even be good and make us happy, but in the long term is it great?
There you have it, good is the enemy of great, why settle for something good when you can have something great! But in order to have great you have to let go of the good. Let go and let live, it kind of makes sense, why should we settle for being just 'good' at certain things when we can take the time and be great at it. Or the same goes for other things, why have good things surround you in you life when you can have great things.

Heres to GREAT things! Hi five

1 comment:

  1. your title may have just made you yoda yourself there bud! :)
